
Audits, Reviews and Compilations

Our firm provides audit, review, and compilation services to clients in private industry. 


We use a risk-based approach that emphasizes timely communication and coordination of activities. With dedicated and ongoing involvement from our staff professionals, your audit will be executed by an experienced team that understands your industry. Our team’s audit approach customizes procedures specific to your company to ensure a timely and efficient audit.


Often times, an audit may not be necessary. Depending on the needs of your financial statement users, we also provide review and compilation services.


Our reviews typically involve inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data.  Its scope is significantly less than that of an audit, and it does not provide a basis for the expression of an opinion on an organization’s financial statements.


Our compilations are substantially less in scope than a review or an audit of an organization’s financial information.  The objective of a compilation is to present financial statements that are the representation of management without the expression of an opinion or provide any assurance.

Agreed Upon Procedures

Agreed upon procedures allows our staff to identify key risk areas in your business, giving us the opportunity to design a plan that addresses your concerns. Not all clients need audited or reviewed financial statements but may still want to evaluate their current accounting records and procedures. We take pride in helping our clients create a set of agreed-upon procedures to help them meet their business needs.

Common agreed-upon procedures include:

  • Testing internal controls
  • Scanning and reviewing accounting records for unusual transactions
  • Performing specific procedures conducted by others
  • Reviewing documents to confirm transactions 
  • Reviewing loan covenants against financial statements for compliance
  • Reviewing and testing reconciliations for compliance with company policy