Since 1942, we have offered proactive and responsive advisory, assurance and tax services to family-owned businesses, entrepreneurs, and other successful individuals throughout the United States and abroad. We are incredibly passionate about the clients that we serve, and we work endlessly so you can sleep more soundly at night. We take pride in truly knowing who our clients are. Knowing your business really is our business. Although we work hard, we also like to have fun too. Whether it’s Nerf wars in the office, fun monthly staff meetings, or exuberant firm retreats, we are everyday people who care.
At gish SEIDEN, we treat you like family. We do not see you as just a number in our books; we know you by your name. Having a close, personal relationship with you is not only something that we really value, we believe it is necessary. We put in the long hours so you don’t have to. We stay current on the latest accounting news and tax laws and have a highly committed team that will work with you every step of the way.
gish SEIDEN LLP is a member of Nexia, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms that are members of Nexia International Limited. Nexia International Limited, a company registered in the Isle of Man, does not provide services to clients. Please see the “Member firm disclaimer” for further details.
2017, gish SEIDEN is named Community Partner of the Year for its contributions to Make-A-Wish Tri-Counties